Law360 Recognizes Williams & Connolly as a 2023 “Firm of the Year”

January 2024

Williams & Connolly is proud to be named among Law360’s 2023 Firms of the Year, a designation reserved for firms with the most Practice Group of the Year wins.  Williams & Connolly secured five Practice Group of the Year awards for Appellate, Banking, Healthcare, Intellectual Property, and Media & Entertainment.  This annual series recognizes the law firms “behind the litigation wins and major deals that resonated throughout the legal industry in the past year.”  Law360 notes that Williams & Connolly “dominated at the Supreme Court last year, working as lead counsel in eight merits cases, which represented more than 13% of the court's entire merits docket.”  And partner Beth Stewart emphasizes that our continued success is “driven by the firm's adherence to its core commitment: training a deep bench of lawyers whose principal skill is in-court advocacy,” recognizing that “our victories are attributable not only to the most senior lawyers heading up our case teams, but also to the skill and dedication of more junior attorneys at the firm.”

Click here to read Law360’s coverage of their 2023 Firms of the Year.
Click here to read Law360’s coverage of their 2023 Practice Groups of the Year.

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